Schubiger G; Mullis P; Korber HR
Transcutaneous determination of bilirubin in the
neonatal department: an analysis of its uses
Helv Paediatr Acta, 1986 Aug, 41:3, 183-6
2000 newborns were evaluated before and 2000 after the introduction of transcutaneous bilirubinometry, with regard to frequency and methods of bilirubin determination. The number of blood sampling procedures was reduced by 79%. Transcutaneous bilirubinometry proves to be a safe method if correlation curves between the transcutaneous indices and the serum bilirubin of the individual nursery population are used together with set rules as to the indications for the controls by blood sampling (Recommendations of the Swiss Neonatology Group). A charge of sFr. 5.- to 7.- for each transcutaneous bilirubin evaluation is justified with regard to the reduced laboratory investigations.